• Amy Coney Barrett was trustee at private school with anti-LGBTQ policies

    Amy Coney Barrett was trustee at private school with anti-LGBTQ policies

    Oct 21, 2020 01:14 PM EST

    ... what happened was “not accurate,” though he declined to provide details “out of respect for all parties involved.” MORE: How these 2 legal scholars see Amy Coney Barrett’s testimony “We believe that harassing or persecuting gays and lesbians is contrary to the Gospel and that everyone should be treated ...

  • WATCH: Amy Coney Barrett deflects Sen. Harris’s questions on climate change

    WATCH: Amy Coney Barrett deflects Sen. Harris’s questions on climate change

    Oct 15, 2020 08:07 PM EST

    Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett refused to say whether she accepts the science of climate change, saying she lacks the expertise to know for sure and calling it a topic too controversial to get into. Watch the moment from the hearing in the player above. On Wednesday, pressed at ...

  • WATCH: Judge Amy Coney Barrett Supreme Court confirmation hearings - Day 4

    WATCH: Judge Amy Coney Barrett Supreme Court confirmation hearings - Day 4

    Oct 15, 2020 12:50 AM EST

    ... she signed an open letter seven years ago that called the decision “infamous.” WATCH: Affordable Care Act, voting rights in spotlight on Day 3 of Barrett hearingIn an exchange with Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., Barrett resisted the invitation to explicitly endorse or reject the late Justice Antonin Scalia's ...

  • WATCH: Sen. Kamala Harris questions Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett on voter suppression

    WATCH: Sen. Kamala Harris questions Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett on voter suppression

    Oct 15, 2020 12:28 AM EST

    Amy Coney Barrett is refusing to say whether she thinks race discrimination in voting still exists. Watch the moment from the hearing in the player above. The Supreme Court nominee has refused in two days of testimony in her confirmation hearing to opine on many topics, including whether a president ...

  • The unusual tone and timeline of Amy Coney Barrett's confirmation hearing

    The unusual tone and timeline of Amy Coney Barrett's confirmation hearing

    Oct 14, 2020 10:50 PM EST

    ... too late in order to really review them. So, those hearings got off to a very bad start. That was not the case with Judge Barrett, obviously. Judy Woodruff: Yes, very clearly not. Lisa, back to you. The Republicans have made it very clear, Chairman Lindsey Graham, they want to ...

  • How these 2 legal scholars see Amy Coney Barrett's testimony

    How these 2 legal scholars see Amy Coney Barrett's testimony

    Oct 14, 2020 10:48 PM EST

    ... least some of them, as well. Judy Woodruff: But just to quickly get back to Professor Nourse's point, what makes you convinced that Judge Barrett is not captive to some of these very conservative ideas? Saikrishna Prakash: Well, I believe she's a conservative. Is she a captive of ...

  • WATCH: Sen. Cory Booker questions Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett

    WATCH: Sen. Cory Booker questions Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett

    Oct 14, 2020 09:51 PM EST

    Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett would not say that the Trump administration’s practice of separating children from their families at the U.S.-Mexico border was wrong. Watch the moment from the hearing in the player above. Barrett was being questioned by Democratic Sen. Cory Booker of New ...

  • WATCH: Sen. Mazie Hirono questions Amy Coney Barrett about potential election case

    WATCH: Sen. Mazie Hirono questions Amy Coney Barrett about potential election case

    Oct 14, 2020 09:45 PM EST

    Amy Coney Barrett has been asked if there’s a potential conflict in having three Supreme Court justices who were part of the 2000 Bush v. Gore challenge being called on to decide a disputed 2020 presidential election. Watch the moment from the hearing in the player above. Barrett told ...

  • WATCH: Judge Amy Coney Barrett Supreme Court confirmation hearings – Day 3

    WATCH: Judge Amy Coney Barrett Supreme Court confirmation hearings – Day 3

    Oct 14, 2020 12:52 AM EST

    ... reserve opinions, despite having made her anti-abortion views known before joining the bench. "You would be the polar opposite of Justice Ginsburg," said Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn. Barring a dramatic development, Republicans appear to have the votes to confirm Barrett to a lifetime seat on the Supreme Court ...

  • WATCH: Amy Coney Barrett says 'racism persists in our country'

    WATCH: Amy Coney Barrett says 'racism persists in our country'

    Oct 13, 2020 11:04 PM EST

    Judge Amy Coney Barrett says the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis in May had a “very personal” effect on her family and she and her children wept over his death. Watch the moment from the hearing in the player above. President Donald Trump’s nominee to the Supreme ...