Sandra Day O'Connor, the history-making justice who was the first woman to serve on the Supreme Court, died December 1 at 93. Her tenure is notable not just because she was the first woman, but also because of what she did in her 24 years there. Judy Woodruff and John Yang take a look at O’Connor's legacy both on and off the court.
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News wrap alternative: Check out recent segments from the NewsHour, and choose the story you’re most interested in watching. You can make a Google doc copy of discussion questions that work for any of the stories here.
- Who was Sandra Day O'Connor?
- Where did O'Connor grow up, and how did that impact her perspective?
- What was the career path O'Connor took to get to the Supreme Court?
- When did O'Connor join the Supreme Court?
- How did some of O'Connor's rulings impact U.S. law?
What stood out the most to you about O'Connor's story and legacy? What do you think she'll be remembered for in the decades to come?
Media literacy: Who were some of the people chosen to speak about O'Connor's legacy for this story? Why do you think they were chosen above other commentators?
Alternative: See, Think, Wonder: What did you notice? What did the story make you think? What story would you want to find out more about? Where would you go to learn more?
What students can do: In this story, there is a clip of O'Connor saying she'd like to be remembered first and foremost as "a good judge."
But O'Connor's legacy extends beyond her work in the courtroom, including promoting civics education. Watch the following video by iCivics, a civic education non-profit that O'Connor helped found. You can find their statement on her passing here. Then discuss — why do you think civics education was the object of O'Connor's focus after leaving the Supreme Court?
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