Your Mission: t o become an expert on the deadly Ebola virus and design a strategy to contain the rapidly growing outbreak in Western Africa
Background: The current outbreak of Ebola in Western Africa has already claimed the lives of 2,000 people and leading international health organizations predict the number may reach ten times that amount before the virus has run its course. There is currently no cure or vaccine for Ebola and it is doubtful that one will be discovered during the outbreak. Local and international health workers are being pushed beyond their limits as they attempt to save as many lives as possible by identifying the sick (who are often reluctant to leave their homes), treating the infected patients with limited resources, and attempting to prevent the further spread of the virus through on-the-ground public health education campaigns.
Tasks: Review the materials listed below that have been assembled for you by a team of experts. Then use what you've learned to create a strategy to stop the outbreak.
1. Read about the Epidemiologic Triangle . It will help you understand the method public health scientists use to stop an outbreak and will come in handy when you are creating your own strategy to halt the spread of Ebola.
2. Explore as many of the resources below as you can. Keep in mind that the more materials you are able to watch, read and explore, the better chance you will have at creating a successful plan. The information is organized into three categories:
- Agent - the microbe that causes the disease
- Host - the organism harboring the disease
- Environment - the external factors that allow disease transmission
3. After you have finished your research, write a speech to deliver to the CDC outlining your evidence-based recommended strategy to contain the Ebola outbreak. Good luck!
The Epidemiological Triangle the strategic model designed to contain outbreaks
Center for Disease Control (CDC) | The Epidemiologic Triangle | Informational text
The CDC is the nation's premier public health organization and are world-renowned for their work in the field of epidemiology. Start your research by reading this informational text to learn about the method the CDC developed to fight viruses, the worlds tiniest killers , and other disease-causing microbes. For more information from the CDC about Ebola visit their website .
Agent the microbe that causes the disease
1. NPR | Flu attack! How a virus invades your body | Video clip
Learn virus basics from National Public Radio (NPR) with this animated video. Come along for the journey of an invading virus from transmission to infection.
2. Sci-Show | What you need to know about Ebola | Video clip
Watch this engaging and informative four minute video clip from Sci-Show that covers key topics such as the history of Ebola, how it is transmitted, possible cures and more.
3. PBS NewsHour | This is how you get Ebola | Article
This article by Ruth Tam takes you on a detailed tour of the Ebola virus. Click here to download a PDF version of the text.
Host the organism harboring the disease
1. The Hot Zone by Richard Preston | Excerpt
Learn about the devastating symptoms humans infected with Ebola experience in this excerpt from the frightening true story The Hot Zone written by Richard Preston. For a printable version of the text please click here .
2. Frontline | Ebola Outbreak | Documentary film
Ebola Outbreak is a 27-minute documentary film from Frontline that brings the viewer into the center of the health crisis burning through West Africa. The story follows the lives of the patients, doctors and volunteer workers joined together by the deadly virus Ebola in its worst recorded outbreak in history. For an interactive map on the spread of the disease click here .
3. PBS NewsHour Extra | Ebola outbreak: analyzing the data | Worksheet
Learn more about the patterns in the outbreak and better understand the spread of the Ebola virus in its human hosts by analyzing the latest data from the World Health Organization. Click here to access the worksheet
Environment the external factors that cause or allow disease transmission
1. PBS NewsHour Classroom | U.S. will ramp up efforts to fight Ebola | Video clip
Watch this PBS NewsHour video report to hear President Obama's plan to help fight the crisis, and a discussion from public health experts on the rapidly escalating epidemic in Western Africa.
2. PBS NewsHour | WHO: ‘Many thousands of new cases’ of Ebola expected in Liberia | Article
Use this PBS NewsHour article written by Larisa Epakto to help contextualize the challenges faced by the affected African country of Liberia and partner health organizations. Click here for a printable version of this informational text.
By Katie Gould, PBS NewsHour Teacher Resource Producer
Special thanks to Meredith Keybl, MPH for her extensive guidance and support on this project.
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