This story was produced at the 2023 Student Reporting Labs Summer Academy by fellows Effie Gross, Precious Foreman, Sriya Tallapragada, and Mielat Zeray, Youth Media Producer Christopher Schwalm, SRL Educator Michael Conrad and Executive Director Leah Clapman.
For a transcript of this story, click here.
News wrap alternative: Check out recent segments from the NewsHour, and choose the story you’re most interested in watching. You can make a Google doc copy of discussion questions that work for any of the stories here.
- Where did this research take place?
- Who led the research project?
- How did the Hyde Square Task Force carry out the research?
- What did the research team find?
- Why did the researchers report their findings to the media?
What impact do you think this research project might have had on the community where the students lived? What do you think was their most effective strategy for making a difference?
News analysis: Why do you think this story was produced by students? What does having students making the story add to the story overall?
Alternative: See, Think, Wonder: What did you notice? What did the story make you think? What story would you want to find out more about? Where would you go to learn more?
What students can do: How can you make a difference in your own neighborhood? As a class, discuss a local issue that might need more attention. Then outline a strategy:
- How can you find out more about the topic?
- Who can help you?
- Once you know more about the topic, how can you make a difference?
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