Bible denies he has ever heard of the committee of counsel,
a lawyers group that met over 30 years to discuss tobacco industry strategy.
Also claims not to have any knowledge of how many teens smoke Philip Morris
cigarettes, and claims not to have ever asked his employees about it.
When asked if he thinks smoking causes cancer,
he says he would not be surprised that it did.
Tisch denies he has ever asked about the position of
Lorillard on the connection between smoking and cancer. Also
denies having ever asked if nicotine is addictive.
Tisch says he has never thought about whether
a corporation that makes 40 billion cigarettes a year has a moral
responsibility to investigate the properties of that product.
Spears says he doesn't believe smoking causes lung cancer or
emphysema. Also says that cigarettes are not addictive, and that Lorillard has
never made a study on whether teenagers smoke its brands.
Colby denies a definite connection between smoking and
cancer. Also says he doesn't believe anyone has died from lung cancer or
emphysema caused by smoking cigarettes.
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